Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Love, Stargirl

Love, Stargirl
Jerry Spinelli

4 Stars - This book is better than most.

Summary: Stargirl is a girl who has a dream of meeting again with her old boyfriend Leo who dumped her. She meets a girl named Dootsie who introduces Stargirl to a bunch of people and later falls in love with a boy named Perry. She has a party for Winter Solstice and everyone is invited. She wishes to be reunited with Leo but they live in different states. She has troubles and adventures a long the way. :)

Review: I really liked this book. I think that the best parts about this book are when she is in the fire, it was suspenseful. Also, I liked the part when they see the movie and pretend to be scared and run out. My last favorite part about the book is, well, I can't tell you or it will spoil the ending!!! I think that a lot of girls in fourth and fifth grade would love this book. But boys might be like, "EEEEWWWW this is a romance!!"

Reviewed by: Jordan 5th Grade

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