Want to Review a Book?

Are you a Mesa Student? Have you read a good book that you think others might enjoy? You have come to the right place.

Please read these guidelines:
  1. Make sure the book is actually available in the Mesa Library.  If we don't carry the book, we can't publish the review.
  2. Read the entire book.  Reviewing a book requires that you read the book from start to finish.  If you start to read a book and you don't really like it, we ask that you choose a different book to review.
  3. Don't give away the ending! The purpose of the book review website is to encourage others to read books, not to spoil the surprises of the book.
The Review Form:
  • Pick up a paper review sheet in the library or
  • Click on this Google Book Review Form to digitally submit your review.
Please, please, PLEASE, proofread for spelling and grammar!  Too many errors and your review will not be published.  Also, if you don't complete the entire form your review will not be published.